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    • Drug Addiction : How to Spot a Cocaine Addict

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      Spotting a cocaine addict is typically not very difficult and side effects such as irritability, anxiety and increased talking are easy to spot. Determine if someone you know is addicted to cocaine with help from a practicing psychiatrist in this free video on drug addiction.

      Expert: Dr George Northrup
      Contact: docgmd.com
      Bio: Dr. George Northrup earned his medical degree at The University of South Florida in Tampa and completed his psychiatry residency at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
      Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

      Series Description: Drug addiction is a life threatening illness, but these tips can help save someone’s life. Become aware of the signs and symptoms of drug addiction with help from a practicing psychiatrist in this free video series on drug addiction.

    • Choc par l'eau de l'oreille.

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      Lors de chocs dans l’eau (sports nautiques ou vagues), l’oreille peut devenir douloureuse. Si la douleur se prolonge et s’accompagne de vertiges , acouphènes, perte d’audition il est urgent de consulter un Orl . Il peut s’agir d’un tympan percé qui demande d’être soigné convenablement.
      Sur Médecine TV, retrouvez l’intégralité des émissions médicales présentées par Jean-Claude Durousseaud.

      N’hésitez pas à vous abonner et à activer la cloche :

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    • Risk factors for drug use and drug abuse

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      Visit us (http://www.khanacademy.org/science/healthcare-and-medicine) for health and medicine content or (http://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat) for MCAT related content.

      These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Khan Academy video.
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      Decision-making in teens involves a chemical called dopamine in the brain’s reward center. Dopamine helps transmit signals in the brain that make people feel happy. The number of brain receptors interacting with dopamine is higher in adolescence than at any other time of life. That means that when a teen is exposed to a reward—such as a compliment—the reward center reacts more strongly than it would for an adult.

      Also, being with friends increases the sensitivity to rewards and makes the already sensitive reward system even more sensitive. Feeling rewards more strongly and responding more intensely to what peers may think means that there are biological reasons for why teens sometimes decide to do things with their friends that they would never do on their own. This can be positive, by encouraging friends to take on new challenges. But it can also lead to dangerous decisions—such as drug and alcohol use.

      Misuse of substances like alcohol and drugs is a growing problem in the US — and teens and young adults are most at risk, with half of all new drug users being under the age of 18, and 1 in 5 high school students having abused prescription drugs. Additionally, one third of high school students currently use alcohol, 23% use marijuana, and 22% use all forms of tobacco combined.

      Drug use and abuse can contribute to harmful short and long-term health risks. In fact, drug abuse can have long-term effects on a developing teenage brain. MRI scans of the brain have shown that people who have been using drugs for a long time have a smaller prefrontal cortex than people who have not been using drugs. The prefrontal cortex is the area where decision-making occurs. Drug use can result in poor grades, memory loss and social problems.

      A lot of us have an idea about what a person dependent on drugs looks like. However, anyone can suffer from this type of addiction. Addiction doesn’t depend on income, job, age, race or color. It is a disease of the brain that can happen to anyone. Drug dependency is when a person consumes alcohol or drugs regularly, despite the fact that it causes issues in their life and relationships with others.

      Get help if you need it. Encourage your friends to get help too. If you or someone you love is struggling with drug use or abuse call 1-800-662-HELP or visit www.easyread.drugabuse.gov

    • Douleur dans l'oreille

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      Vous ressentez une douleur dans l’oreille ?
      Le système auditif est composé de :
      ● L’oreille externe. C’est par là que le son est acheminé.
      ● L’oreille moyenne, qui sert à amplifier les vibrations sonores.
      ● L’oreille interne, qui convertit les vibrations sonores en impulsions neuroélectriques. Celles-ci sont transmises au nerf auditif, puis au cerveau qui les interprète.

      Il existe plusieurs types de douleurs dans l’oreille, qui peuvent survenir suite à :
      Un traumatisme, comme
      – un coup provoquant un hématome
      – une fracture,
      – ou l’introduction d’un corps étranger dans le conduit de l’oreille.
      Une infection comme une otite qui est une inflammation de système auditif.
      ou comme une angine

      Pour venir à bout des maux d’oreilles, il est important de consulter un médecin.
      Voilà quelques moyens de réduire la sensation douloureuse en attendant le rendez-vous :
      ● Appliquez une compresse chaude sur l’oreille externe
      ● Prenez des analgésiques, des médicaments anti-douleurs
      ● Privilégiez une position assise ou débout, pour tenter de réduire la pression dans l’oreille moyenne
      ● Mâchez un chewing-gum.

      Nos conseils pour éviter une douleur dans l’oreille ?
      ● Evitez de vous nettoyer les oreilles avec des coton-tiges.
      ● Optez pour un cure-oreille.
      ● Mettez des bouchons d’oreilles si vous mettez la tête sous l’eau
      ● En cas d’otite, tournez-vous vers des médecines douces qui peuvent vous soulager, comme l’homéopathie, ou la phytothérapie.
      ● Si vous avez un appareil auditif, nettoyez-le régulièrement pour assurer son bon fonctionnement.

      Une douleur à l’oreille peut être très handicapante. Il est important d’en connaître l’origine pour bien la soigner, pour cela consultez votre médecin !

      Pour en savoir plus sur la douleur dans l’oreille, retrouvez toutes les infos sur ooreka.fr.
      👉 https://appareil-auditif.ooreka.fr/astuce/voir/306749/douleur-dans-l-oreille
      Video Rating: / 5

    • Jessica Mbangeni – Praise Poet, Singer and Actress

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      Jessica Mbangeni made her mark as a praise-singer when she joined Soweto Gospel Choir in 2002 and toured the world in Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland and North American States. She has performed at prestigious events such as the 46664 concert in Cape Town and the South African President, Thabo Mbeki’s second inauguration. Jessica recently released her first single, “iGoli”, to great acclaim.

    • Drug Safety

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      This video discusses Therapeutic Index, Therapeutic Window, Drug Allergy, Drug Idiosyncracy, & Drug Toxicity
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      Grupa Magazin – S druge strane Mjeseca

      Glazba: Tonči Huljić
      Tekst: Vjekoslava Huljić
      Aranžman: Remi Kazinoti

      © Grupa Magazin – Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimke i postavljanje na druge kanale!

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      Nije to vino koje se pilo
      U one dane ljubavi rane

      Nikad nećemo bit’ isti mi
      Niti ja niti ti tako ide
      Čovjek to niti ne primijeti
      Kako su godine s neba stigle
      Nenadano polagano

      Jer se navikne čovjek
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      I drži toplo i hladno
      Al’ nije to to
      I danas zaželi srce
      Još minut il’ dva
      Da se naježi k’o

      Jer se navikne čovjek
      Na dobro i zlo
      I drži toplo i hladno
      Al’ nije to to
      I danas zaželi srce
      Još minut il’ dva
      Da se naježi k’o
      Od dodira
      I tople struje što je tekla
      S druge strane Mjeseca


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    • Define and identify the difference between sensation and perception Is it possible sense

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      Define and identify the difference between sensation and perception – Is it possible sense but not perceive? If so, give an example. Is it possible to perceive without sensing? If so, give an example. – Describe one example in your life where you use top-down processing and describe one example where you use bottom-up processing.
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