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Talking about DRUGS in English

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References to drugs are everywhere: in movies, popular culture, art, etc. Often, slang words are used to replace the actual names of the drugs. “Charlie”, “Mary Jane”, “smack”, and “junk” are all alternative names for well-known drugs. Can you guess which ones? In this lesson, you will learn all of these and more. Come and get your fix with Ronnie! If you don’t want to learn these words, please don’t watch, and please don’t comment. I DON’T CARE 🙂

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Did you do drugs today? No. But really, did you do drugs today? Everyone says “no”. Maybe you did. But I need you to double check. I need you to look at this list of drugs and tell me honestly. Look me in the eyes, and tell me. Did you do drugs today? I did drugs today. I do drugs every day. But the drug that I do is caffeine. Do you know that caffeine was a drug? Are you aware of that? Do you also know that alcohol is a drug? So the next time you say, “I don’t do drugs”, over a coffee, over a beer, or over a cigarette, guess what? You’re doing drugs. Welcome to the drugs lesson. Do drugs, people. Makes your life more interesting.

As I told you, I do drugs every day. Mine is caffeine. I drink coffee every morning. Every morning, I wake up, and I do drugs. How about you? Do you do drugs in the morning? Afternoon? Caffeine is a drug. Slang — also known as coffee, tea, Red Bull and chocolate.

In today’s lesson, I’m going to teach you some slang words about different kinds of drugs. I don’t think you should do these drugs. I don’t recommend them. If you want to, go ahead. But again, teaching you slang vocabulary will help you understand things in movies. So let’s go with the list.

As I said, we have caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, Red Bull, chocolate. A lot of soft drinks add caffeine as well. So basically, colas or Cokes. In Canada, we call it “pop”.

Then, we have probably the most common drug ever: alcohol. The slang for alcohol could be “booze”. Also, we call beer a “brew”. We also call beer “suds”. So all of these words are slang for “alcohol”.

We’re going to get into some hard drugs now. These ones are pretty, pretty terrible. One of the most tragic and very common drugs, unfortunately, is heroin. The street name or the slang name is “H”, “junk”, or “smack”. There’s also, like, “brown tar” and all these different slang words for “heroin”, but these, I think, are the most common. When you watch movies like Trainspotting or — a lot of movies deal with heroin addiction. A lot of famous rock stars did heroin, and now, they’re dead. Bye-bye. This is what we’re talking about, “H”, “junk”, and “smack”.

A really popular drug, all the way from Colombia, of Pablo Escobar fame: cocaine. So many songs have been written about cocaine. In the 1980s, probably the most popular drug in the world ever — short form or slang, we call it “coke” — that makes sense, “coke”, “cocaine” — “blow”, “Charlie” — I guess that’s his name — or “nose candy” because you sniff the cocaine in your nose. So it’s like candy for your nose.

There’s a drug that was really, really popular in the 90s called “MDMA”, also known as “ecstasy” or just “E”. And ecstasy comes in a pill form. Cocaine is actually a powder. Heroin is a brown powder. Alcohol is a liquid. And caffeine is a liquid, or it can be in solid form like chocolate.

The next drug that is really, really common — and all too common nowadays — is this big long drug called “methamphetamine”. You may have heard the term “meth”. Now, people who do meth or methamphetamine, they can inject it, which means they put it in a needle in their veins. So it can be injected. And it is a powder, like heroin. Oh, heroin is injected or smoked. But methamphetamine or “meth” or “crystal meth” or “crystal”, as people call it, is a really, really big problem in America and Canada. It’s causing something called “meth mouth”, and “meth mouth” causes the people’s teeth to rot out and fall out. So the basically lose all their teeth. How attractive. Also, meth heads have a lot of scars on their face. There are a lot of open sores, and they have no teeth. Beautiful, beautiful people. Good idea. So methamphetamine — street name is “meth” or “crystal”. Very, very terrible, terrible drug, like most of them.


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WHO Definition of Drug
A drug is any substance or product, that is used or is intended to be used, to modify or explore, physiological systems, or pathological states, for the benefit of the recipient. Once more!

Dr Vipul Navadiya

DISCLAIMER: This video is for education purposes only. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material, viewers should refer to the appropriate regulatory body/authorized websites, guidelines, and other suitable sources of information as deemed relevant and applicable. In view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical science, any person or organization involved in the preparation of this work accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or results obtained from the use of information in this video.
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La pression auriculaire expliquée en vidéo

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La pression auriculaire expliquée en vidéo

L’oreille comprend trois parties : l’oreille externe, l’oreille moyenne et l’oreille interne. L’oreille moyenne est une chambre remplie d’air reliée au nez et à la gorge par un canal appelé trompe d’Eustache.Normalement, l’air se déplace dans ce tube pour équilibrer la pression de l’oreille moyenne avec celle de l’air environnant. Cela est particulièrement important en cas d’importants changements de la pression externe, notamment en vol ou en plongée. Par exemple, lorsqu’un avion prend de la hauteur, la pression de l’air dans la cabine chute progressivement. La pression de l’oreille moyenne semble relativement élevée et le tympan se déforme légèrement vers l’extérieur.Lorsque la différence de pression entre la cabine et l’oreille moyenne atteint environ 15 mm Hg, les trompes d’Eustache s’ouvrent avec une sensation de claquement et l’air est libéré des oreilles moyennes. En temps normal, cela se produit environ tous les cent cinquante à trois cents mètres lors de la montée.À l’inverse, au fur et à mesure que l’avion descend et que la pression de la cabine augmente, la pression de l’oreille moyenne semble relativement basse et le tympan est légèrement tiré vers l’intérieur. Dès que les trompes d’Eustache s’ouvrent, l’air se précipite dans les oreilles moyennes pour équilibrer la pression.Parfois, lors de la descente, il faut recourir à une technique manuelle pour équilibrer la pression de l’oreille moyenne. Par exemple, avaler, mâcher un chewing-gum ou se moucher le nez peut aider à ouvrir les trompes d’Eustache si la différence de pression devient gênante.Des maladies telles que les rhumes et les infections de l’oreille peuvent entraîner un gonflement des membranes entourant les trompes d’Eustache. Cela peut rendre l’équilibrage de la pression plus difficile, donnant une douleur dans l’oreille moyenne.Il faut veiller à éviter de voler ou de plonger lorsque l’une de ces conditions est présente, ce qui peut affecter l’oreille moyenne. Cela est particulièrement important pour les enfants chez qui les infections de l’oreille sont fréquentes et qui sont moins capables d’égaliser la pression de leurs oreilles.

pour équilibrer les pressions entre l’oreille moyenne et les cavités de la face, il est plus efficace et moins générateur de tensions d’utiliser l’air et la déglutition salivaire correcte, plutôt que des mouvements mandibulaires.
À faire en douceur

Praise | meaning of Praise

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What is PRAISE meaning?


Susan Miller (2021, December 16.) Praise meaning

© 2021 Proficiency in English Language Foundation, All rights reserved
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Bad Blue Boys / Dok na terenu srce ostavljaš…

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Bad Blue Boys / Dok na terenu srce ostavljaš...

Dok na terenu srce ostavljaš,
rađa se nova pobjeda,
a s druge strane ove ograde,
pjevam ti makar gubim glas,
mi smo uz vas!
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Dok na terenu srce ostavljaš...

…Rađa se nova pobjeda
A s druge strane ove ograde,
Pjevam ti makar gubim glas

Mi smo uz vas!

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Eveline vitamin C serum | using it for 4 weeks | Vani vlogs #vitaminc

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hey guys I’m back with a new video.
in today’s video I’m going to review eveline vitamin C serum this video is not sponsored and they eveline company haven’t sent me any PR. I have purchased it with my own money. watch this video till the end to see the final results thanks for watching 😌🙏✨

buy it:

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Eveline Bio Vitamin C Sensation cream (anti-wrinkle) and Serum 03087588889 A&M Shopping point Hafizabad Alkareem center railway road
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Huawei defeated TSMC! China develops its own chips, causing a sensation in the world

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The BloodaEyed Bane Dragon Newt Jethro Hawkes Vortexstep Ccddffzzzzzz

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Provided to YouTube by Noisely

The BloodaEyed Bane Dragon Newt Jethro Hawkes Vortexstep Ccddffzzzzzz · Raisin Tree

Christian Music

℗ Raisin Chill

Released on: 2022-05-06

Auto-generated by YouTube.

Provided to YouTube by Noisely

Judith Dawson Cindra Birth Guardian Aabbcczzzzz · Maple Leaf

Chill Music

℗ Maple Melody

Released on: 2022-05-06

Auto-generated by YouTube.

A Poem of Praise by al-A'sha

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A Poem of Praise by al-A'sha

0:00 Prelude
1:46 The travel
2:39 Praise
3:19 The teachings

Correction at 4:51: beggar*

Al-A’sha was a jahili bard and one of the Mullaqat composers. He was the most productive poet in his era and was called “The Tambourine” for his rhythmic poetry.

It’s said he composed the poem in the video while heading to Medina willing to meet the prophet PBUH and revert to Islam.
He passed by Mecca where the chief leaders of Quraysh tried so hard to dissuade him from joining Muslims’ side. They gave him 100 camels as a gift urging him not to become a Muslims because Islam prohibits wine. So he decided to accept their gift and go back to rethink about Islam for another year. But he died months later unfortunately.

Recorded by @sh44ful :

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Poem of Praise
Music by Florence B. Price (1887-1953)
Text by Elizabeth Coatsworth (1893-1986)

Performed by the University of Arkansas Schola Cantorum
Dr. Stephen Caldwell, director
Kristine Olefsky, piano

March 6th, 2020
Robinson Center for the Performing Arts
Little Rock, AR
2020 SWACDA Conference

🔥YOU BETTER DANCE!!!!! SANCTIFIED Praise Break (2022)

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#praisebreak #shout #aaronmcnair #dance


Provided to YouTube by CDBaby

Praise Break · Austin COGIC Mass Choir

Back to Zion

℗ 2015 Timothy Thompson

Released on: 2015-04-06

Auto-generated by YouTube.
Video Rating: / 5

sensation chips + lukeazade= my brother 👹

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sensation chips + lukeazade= my brother 👹

Roundin’ out the week with the much requested/recommended Walkers Sensations Thai Sweet Chili flavored crisps. Big up to Martin Healy for first suggesting ‘em (and to all of you who also chimed with praise for them). So, is this just another ‘spicy’ potato chip? Or does walkers bring some sort of nuance to the flavor? Find out!

#chipster #chips #inthechips #inthechipswithbarry #papitasfritas #crisps #ポテトチップス #감자칩 #papasfritas #土豆片 #saltysnacks #snackfood #snack #snacks #Kartoffelchips #walkers #walkerssensations #thaisweetchili #potatochips #potatocrisps
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