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Crude drug & it's synonym |Pharmacognosy|Dpharma|Bpharma|GPAT|Pharmacist|RRB|ZP|CGHS

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Crude drug & it’s synonym |Pharmacognosy





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How Drug Trafficking Actually Works — From Heroin to Cocaine | How Crime Works Marathon

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Adi Jaffe was a crystal meth dealer in Los Angeles, purchasing his supply from local meth labs and making his way up to dealing with Mexican cartels. After leaving prison, Jaffe attained his doctorate degree in psychology. He now lectures at the University of California, Los Angeles, and runs a practice called IGNTD, which takes a unique approach to addiction recovery.

David McMillan is a British Australian former drug smuggler. He trafficked heroin through Southeast and Central Asia. He was arrested numerous times between the ’80s and 2012, and he estimates he trafficked over million worth of heroin internationally. He is now an author and speaker on drug-policy reform.

Pieter Tritton, a former cocaine smuggler, speaks with Business Insider about trafficking cocaine from Ecuador to Europe through a cartel connection. Tritton was arrested in Ecuador and sentenced to 12 years in one of the world’s most violent and corrupt prisons.

Shaun Attwood is a former drug smuggler who ran a successful ring trafficking MDMA pills in the US in the ’90s. He was arrested in 2002 and served six years in US jails. Attwood published his life story as the “English Shaun Trilogy” and talks to audiences around the UK and Europe about prison reform.

Neil Woods spent 14 years as an undercover police officer infiltrating some of the most dangerous organized-crime groups in the UK. He speaks with BI about his experience with drug-dealing gangs and how the drug market works. Woods is now a board member of the Law Enforcement Action Partnership, an American nonprofit.

Adi Jaffe
Pieter Tritton


Shaun Attwood
Neil Woods

How Rikers Island (New York) Jail Actually Works | How Crime Works | Insider

How Call Center Scams Actually Work | How Crime Works | Insider

How 8 Crimes Actually Work (From Money Laundering To Diamond Heists) | How Crime Works | Insider

00:00:00 – Crystal Meth
00:18:27 – Heroin
00:41:16 – Cocaine
00:57:21 – Ecstasy
01:16:27 – Drug Gangs
01:28:34 – Credits

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How Drug Trafficking Actually Works — From Heroin to Cocaine | How Crime Works | Insider
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2 charged with drug trafficking after MCSO deputies find 217 pounds of suspected cocaine

2 charged with drug trafficking after MCSO deputies find 217 pounds of suspected cocaine

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WFAA’s Jason Wheeler explains what’s happening to some prospective employees.
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Bajaga – Sa druge strane jastuka

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Ljubim Te I Pokrivam
Krilima Plavog Goluba
Sanjivu Te Ostavljam
U Hodnicima Seæanja
Sa Druge Srane…
Sa Druge Strane Jastuka
Još Zelim Da Ti Poklonim
Listove Divljeg Kestena
Još Jednom Da Te Zaštitim
Dok Te Magla Zaklanja
Sa Druge Strane Jastuka
Šaljem Ti Tajne Poruke
Dahom Noænih Vetrova
Ali Ne Znam Da Li Prolaze
Pored Rajskih Vrtova.
Sa Druge Strane Jastuka
Sa Druge Strane Jastuka
Ljubim Te I Pokrivam
Krilima Plavog Goluba
Sanjivu Te Ostavljam
U Hodnicima Seæanja
Sa Druge Srane…
Sa Druge Strane Jastuka
Na na Na na Na na Na na Na na Na na Na

Bajaga & Instruktori - Sa druge strane jastuka (Official audio)

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Substance use disorders

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These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any Khan Academy video.
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Mechanism of Drug Addiction in the Brain, Animation.

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Mechanism of Drug Addiction in the Brain, Animation.

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All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Addiction is a neurological disorder that affects the reward system in the brain. In a healthy person, the reward system reinforces important behaviors that are essential for survival such as eating, drinking, sex, and social interaction. For example, the reward system ensures that you reach for food when you are hungry, because you know that after eating you will feel good. In other words, it makes the activity of eating pleasurable and memorable, so you would want to do it again and again whenever you feel hungry. Drugs of abuse hijack this system, turning the person’s natural needs into drug needs.
The brain consists of billions of neurons, or nerve cells, which communicate via chemical messages, or neurotransmitters. When a neuron is sufficiently stimulated, an electrical impulse called an action potential is generated and travels down the axon to the nerve terminal. Here, it triggers the release of a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft – a space between neurons. The neurotransmitter then binds to a receptor on a neighboring neuron, generating a signal in it, thereby transmitting the information to that neuron.
The major reward pathways involve transmission of the neurotransmitter dopamine from the ventral tegmental area – the VTA – of the midbrain to the limbic system and the frontal cortex. Engaging in enjoyable activities generates action potentials in dopamine-producing neurons of the VTA. This causes dopamine release from the neurons into the synaptic space. Dopamine then binds to and stimulates dopamine-receptor on the receiving neuron. This stimulation by dopamine is believed to produce the pleasurable feelings or rewarding effect. Dopamine molecules are then removed from the synaptic space and transported back in to the transmitting neuron by a special protein called dopamine-transporter.
Most drugs of abuse increase the level of dopamine in the reward pathway. Some drugs such as alcohol, heroin, and nicotine indirectly excite the dopamine-producing neurons in the VTA so that they generate more action potentials. Cocaine acts at the nerve terminal. It binds to dopamine-transporter and blocks the re-uptake of dopamine. Methamphetamine – a psychostimulant – acts similarly to cocaine in blocking dopamine removal. In addition, it can enter the neuron, into the dopamine-containing vesicles where it triggers dopamine release even in the absence of action potentials.
Different drugs act different way but the common outcome is that dopamine builds-up in the synapse to a much greater amount than normal. This causes a continuous stimulation, maybe over-stimulation of receiving neurons and is responsible for prolonged and intense euphoria experienced by drug users. Repeated exposure to dopamine surges caused by drugs eventually de-sensitizes the reward system. The system is no longer responsive to everyday stimuli; the only thing that is rewarding is the drug. That is how drugs change the person’s life priority. After some time, even the drug loses its ability to reward and higher doses are required to achieve the rewarding effect. This ultimately leads to drug overdose.

We have all heard of XTC, X, Molly or in medical terms MDMA. All names for the same drug. It is often praised for creating a warm, fussy experience filled with love, enjoyment and distortion of time and perception. This is the pitch, which might have convinced you to try it at some point in your life. Or maybe you have always been curious to do so.

That is where this video comes in. I will be covering the origin of MDMA, it’s effects, long term risks, symptoms of an overdose.

This video is part of a videoseries on the Dangers of Illicit Drugs. Find the playlists here:

The origin of MDMA:
It was developed by a German pharmaceutical company in 1912. It was intended as a compound which could be used to synthesize medications to control bleeding. Although soon people started experimenting with it and found out it’s stimulant and psychedelic properties.
In the 80s and 90s MDMA started to becoming widely available on the street as a party drug.

Sinds then, the popularity of MDMA sky rocketed. A recent study found that about 20% of all Americans had used MDMA in the previous year. And about 1% of Americans aged 19-28 had used it in the last month.

How does it work?
MDMA works by increasing the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. It also blocks their re-absorption. Together, this leads to an increased concentration of these neurotransmitters in several pathways of your brain.

The “positive” effects:
This mechanism causes the short term effects you might associate with MDMA: an enhanced sense of pleasure, euphoria, more self-confidence, increased energy, feelings of peacefulness, acceptance, and empathy.

The “negative” effects:
Unfortunately using MDMA can also cause several adverse effects, like: Jaw clenching, teeth grinding, restlessness, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, sweating, thirst, nausea, impulsiveness, increased heart rate, rising body temperature and high blood pressure.

Withdrawal symptoms:
Among others: Irritability, depression, confusion, agression, muscle cramps, problems with sleep, anxiety, memory deficits, loss of attention, nausea, decreased appetite and decreased libido.

The risk of overdose is quite low. However, repeated use within a short time frame can increase this risk. In addition MDMA is prone to being “cut” with other illicit and potentially deadly chemicals. This further increases your risk on serious medical problems or an overdose.
The same is true for voluntarily combining MDMA with marijana, alcohol or other drugs.

Now pay attention: common symptoms for an overdose are: excessive thirst, heavy sweating, muscle cramping, shaking chills, little to no urine output, blurred vision, fainting and seizures.
Seek immediate medical help if you recognize these symptoms, as they can lead to severe liver damage, kidney failure, brain damage, heart failure and potentially death.

– Disclaimer: this video and the comments are meant purely informational! This is not medical advice! If you are looking for medical advice always contact your own doctor. –

1: A. Perez. J. Leonard (2022). How long does molly stay in your system? Medical News Today.
2: NIDA. (2021). Can you overdose or die if you use MDMA use (Ecstasy or Molly)? NIDA.
3: J. Halpern. A. Sherwood. J. Hudson et al. (2011). neurocognitive features of long-term ecstasy users with minimal exposure to other drugs. Addiction.106: 777-86.
4: NIDA. (2022). MDMA (Ecstasy) Abuse Research Report: Introduction. NIDA.

* The images in this video are used for educational purposes only. Most of the images and video material in this video come from

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Doctor Warns Of Painkiller Made Of Pure Hydrocodone

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A new opioid painkiller with five to ten times the power of Vicodin has ER doctors worried about a disastrous spike in overdoses and deaths.

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Substance Use Disorders: Signs, Common Addictions, and How To Get Treatment | Mass General Brigham

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For more information on addiction:

What is substance abuse? What are the signs of substance use disorder, and what are the most common addictions? How can someone find treatment? Shelly F. Greenfield, M.D., M.P.H., Chief Academic Officer and Director of the Alcohol, Drug, and Addiction Health Services Research and Education Program at McLean Hospital, answers patients’ most commonly searched questions about substance use disorders, including use of substances such as alcohol, cannabis, and opioids.

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0:00 – Intro
0:17 – What is Substance Abuse?
0:49 – Characteristics of Substance Abuse Disorders
2:20 – Most Common Addictions
2:48 – Risk Factors
3:56 – Who’s at Risk for Addiction
4:10 – How Do I Know If I Have An Addiction Problem?
5:39 – Have Addiction Problems Increased Due To Covid?
6:19 – How Is Substance Abuse Disorder Diagonsed?
6:59 – Is Substance Abuse Disorder A Mental Health Issue?
7:43 – Consequences Of Substance Abuse Disorder
8:40 – Approaching Loved Ones About Substance Abuse Disorder
9:18 – Treating Substance Abuse Disorder
10:20 – Where To Get Treatment
10:47 – What Else To Know About Addiction
11:20 – What Resources Are Available?

Rethinking Drinking:
NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator:
Planning Alcohol Interventions Using NIAAA’s College AIM:
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth:
Alcohol and Covid-19:
Screening Tools for Substances (Self-administered or clinician guided):
Drug Topics (All substances and special populations):
Women and Alcohol:
Find Treatment: or 1-800-662-HELP
If you are in distress: 1-800-273-TALK

About Mass General Brigham:
Mass General Brigham combines the strength of two world-class academic medical centers, five nationally ranked specialty hospitals, 11 community hospitals, and dozens of health centers. Our doctors and researchers accelerate medical breakthroughs and drive innovations in patient care. They are leaders in medical education, serving as Harvard Medical School faculty and training the next generation of physicians. Mass General Brigham’s mission is to deliver the best, affordable health care to patients everywhere. Together, we transform the health of our communities and beyond.

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Substance Use Disorders: Signs, Common Addictions, and How To Get Treatment | Mass General Brigham