Izibongo zeLembe uShaka kaSenzangakhona {King Shaka’s praise poem}
relationship December 13th. 2024, 11:05pmUDlungwana KaNdaba!
UDlungwana woMbelebele,
Odlung’ emanxulumeni, Kwaze kwas’ amanxulum esibikelana.
UNodumehlezi kaMenzi,
UShaka akashayeki kanjengamanzi,
Ilemb’ eleq’ aamnye amalembe ngokukhalipha;
UShaka ngiyesaba ukuthi nguShaka, UShaka kuyinkosi yasemaShobeni.
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Part of the stories at home Project with Chis Thompson, This connects to the ‘Become an Irish Hero poet activity page https://storyarchaeology.com/the-stories-at-home-project-hub/ It guides apprentice poets in creating some very unusual work. Have fun.
Video Rating: / 5

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