UDlungwana KaNdaba!
UDlungwana woMbelebele,
Odlung’ emanxulumeni, Kwaze kwas’ amanxulum esibikelana.
UNodumehlezi kaMenzi,

UShaka akashayeki kanjengamanzi,
Ilemb’ eleq’ aamnye amalembe ngokukhalipha;
UShaka ngiyesaba ukuthi nguShaka, UShaka kuyinkosi yasemaShobeni.
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Write a 'Praise Poem' just like the old  Irish hero poet, long agos.

Part of the stories at home Project with Chis Thompson, This connects to the ‘Become an Irish Hero poet activity page https://storyarchaeology.com/the-stories-at-home-project-hub/ It guides apprentice poets in creating some very unusual work. Have fun.
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